
Beranda Berita President Inaugurates Trans Sumatra Toll Road for Bakauheni Section - Terbanggi Besar
Beranda Berita President Inaugurates Trans Sumatra Toll Road for Bakauheni Section - Terbanggi Besar

President Inaugurates Trans Sumatra Toll Road for Bakauheni Section - Terbanggi Besar

  •  08 Mar 2019
  • News/General
  • 611 viewed
Foto: President Inaugurates Trans Sumatra Toll Road for Bakauheni Section - Terbanggi Besar

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo accompanied by First Lady Iriana inaugurated the Trans Sumatra toll road Bakauheni - Terbanggi Besar, on Friday (8/3) at the Natar toll gate, South Lampung, Lampung province. The toll road is part of an infrastructure development project on the island of Sumatra, this trans Sumatra toll road has a length of 2700 Km from Lampung to Aceh.
Accompanying the President included a number of Working Cabinet Ministers, namely the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, and the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Rini Soemarno. Also present were the Head of the Danang Parikesit Toll Road Regulatory Agency, and the Director of the City and Freeway (JBHP) Hedy Rahadian.
"Today we will inaugurate the longest toll road that I have officially inaugurated along 143km, this is the first round that we have inaugurated and hope that later in June the main point will reach Palembang, June will soon be connected to this toll road, this is part of Lampung until Aceh, 2024 Lampung to Aceh will be connected, "Jokowi said.

Bakauheni - Terbanggi Besar section is the longest toll road in Indonesia exceeding the Cikopo - Palimanan (Cipali) toll road, this toll road has nine interchanges / junction namely in Bakauheni, Kalianda, Sidomulyo, Lematang, Kotabaru, Natar, Metro, Gunung Sugih and The Big Awest. The total length of this toll road is 140.94 Km.
"We are already operating 140 Km right, then after this we will process the tariff at the same time when this socialization will be opened so there will be a free one for maybe a week or two," said Director of JBHP Hedy Rahadian.
After the inauguration of the Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar toll road, it is targeted that in the near future the 189km of Terbanggi-Pematang-Kayu Agung Toll Road can be accelerated and completed in April 2019 and all Trans Sumatra toll roads will be connected in 2024. (KompuBM)