
Beranda Berita Current Clappers Underpass Progress 58%
Beranda Berita Current Clappers Underpass Progress 58%

Current Clappers Underpass Progress 58%

  •  06 Agus 2019
  • News/General
  • 1088 viewed
Foto: Current Clappers Underpass Progress 58%

Sleman (5/8) Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives conducted a work visit (Kunker) to several projects in Yogjakarta, one of which was the Kentungan underpass project at Simpang Empat Jalan Kaliurang and Jalan Padjajaran Sleman Regency. This underpass is a 900 Years Long Multi-Contrac.

Sigit Sosiantomo as chairman of the leadership at this working tour said, I want to make sure the underpass project runs smoothly so that no community is harmed. While related to the case of the collapsing Kentungan underpass project, we have ratified the Construction Services Law (UJK)

"In this Law (UJK) it is stated that the implementation of construction work in Indonesia is safe and does not endanger the community, both the general public and the community who are workers on the project," Sigit said.

While Head of the VII National Road Implementation Center, Ahmad Cahyadi, said that the progress of the Kentungan underpass project has reached 58%. It targets the project to be completed by the end of December 2019.

"Our progress (construction of the Kentungan underpass project) is 58%, we will finish this until the end of December 2019." he said.

"So with a length of 900 meters, some are covered with casts along 180 meters. We make a kind of tunnel, we can pursue it and we will finish it until the end of December 2019," he continued.

Cahyadi said, to minimize workplace accidents, his office has conducted traffic engineering at the project site. For example, by prohibiting heavy vehicles from passing through and limiting the right and left lanes of the project to only one lane.

"Yesterday the underpass (Kentungan) was passed by two lanes of traffic, now only one lane so that the vehicle is further from the excavation," he concluded.