
Beranda Berita Nine Toll Roads Ready to Be Opened Until the End of 2019
Beranda Berita Nine Toll Roads Ready to Be Opened Until the End of 2019

Nine Toll Roads Ready to Be Opened Until the End of 2019

  •  12 Agus 2019
  • News/General
  • 1284 viewed
Foto: Nine Toll Roads Ready to Be Opened Until the End of 2019

Jakarta - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has gradually completed construction of the targeted toll road along the 1,852 Km in the 2015-2019 period. Until May 2019, the toll roads have been operated along 949 Km and will increase by 406.14 Km with the operation of 9 toll roads in stages until the end of 2019. The presence of the toll road will increase connectivity between regions and logistics cost efficiency in Indonesia.

 "Especially for toll roads, over the next five years there will be an additional 1,852 km. Now almost 1,000 km of new toll roads have been inaugurated and operated. The benefits have been felt by many people and many have expressed their gratitude for the connection of the Trans Java Toll Road," said the Minister PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono some time ago.

 Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the PUPR Ministry, Danang Parikesit, said the 9 toll roads are first, the Cinere-Jagorawi Toll Road (Cijago) section 2 of the Bogor-Kukusan Raya section (5.5 km) with physical progress currently at 100% and ready to be inaugurated in August 2019.

 The construction of the 14.64 Km Cijago Toll Road carried out by PT Translingkar Kita Jaya is divided into three sections. Cijago Section I Toll Road starts from the Jagorawi interchange to Jalan Raya Bogor, Section II starts from Jalan Raya Bogor to Kukusan, and Section III Kukusan to Cinere.

 The two Terbanggi Besar - Pematang Panggang - Kayu Agung toll road sections are 189 km long, which will be ready to be inaugurated in September 2019. The toll road, which is part of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road, was built using an investment cost of Rp 21.95 trillion. In the last Lebaran 2019, this toll road section has been used functionally to help smooth and back and forth flow, currently the construction progress has reached 94.33%.

 Third is the Manado-Bitung Toll Road section 1-2A Manado-Danowudu section (22.5 km). The Manado-Bitung Toll Road was built under the Government and Business Cooperation (PPP) scheme with a total investment value of Rp 6.19 trillion. The presence of the first toll road in North Sulawesi will reduce the travel time of Manado to Bitung and vice versa from now around 90-120 minutes, to around 30 minutes.

 Fourth, Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road section 2-4 Samboja-Samarinda section (66.4 km). The two toll roads are currently in the completion stage with construction progress of 92.36% and 96.71%, respectively. The two toll roads are planned to be inaugurated in October 2019.

The fifth is the Kunciran-Serpong Toll Road segment (11.14 km) with 94.24% progress and the sixth, section Pandaan-Malang Toll Road section 4 Singosari-Pakis (5.1 km) with a progress of 97.1%. The two toll roads are targeted to be operational in November 2019.

The seventh section of the Agung-Palembang-Betung Toll Road section 1 Kayu Agung-Jakabaring section (33.5 km) with 74.44% progress, the eighth, Pekanbaru-Dumai Toll Road section 1-2 sections Pekanbaru-Petapahan section (33.6 km) with a progress of 95%, and finally the Jakarta-Cikampek II Toll Road (Japek 2) (36.4 km) with a construction progress of 91.42%.

Japek 2 Toll Road which starts from Cikunir SS to Karawang will separate long distance toll users from short distance users. Motorists who travel long distances can use Japek 2 Toll and get off at the end of the elevated toll road, so that it will parse the density and cut the travel time, both vehicles that go to industrial areas in Karawang or Cibitung as well as those heading to Cikampek - Semarang and Padalarang - Bandung. (*)

Public Communications Bureau
Ministry of PUPR