
Beranda Berita Increased Connectivity and Capacity of the Trans Road Network that Connects All Provinces in Sumatra Island Can Be Done
Beranda Berita Increased Connectivity and Capacity of the Trans Road Network that Connects All Provinces in Sumatra Island Can Be Done

Increased Connectivity and Capacity of the Trans Road Network that Connects All Provinces in Sumatra Island Can Be Done

  •  28 Feb 2015
  • News/General
  • 462 viewed
Foto: Increased Connectivity and Capacity of the Trans Road Network that Connects All Provinces in Sumatra Island Can Be Done





Medan (28/2). Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPERA), M. Basoeki Hadimoeljono together with the Governor of North Sumatra, Gatot Pujo Nugroho, attended the Road Engineering Day Seminar held by the Regional Management Council (DPD) of the Indonesian Road Development Association (HPJI) of North Sumatra Province in collaboration with the DPD Provincial HPJI in all of Sumatra.

The seminar which took the theme "Realizing the Acceleration of Connectivity and Capacity Building for the Trans Sumatra Road Network," was also attended by important officials at the Ministry of PUPERA, Director of Transportation of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Bambang Prihartono, Chairman of the DPJ HPJI Djoko Murjanto and the management of HPJI throughout Sumatra and several / mayors throughout Sumatra. The opening was marked by the beating of Gong by the Governor of North Sumatra Gatot Pujo Nugroho and PUPERA Minister M. Basoeki Hadimoljono.

As an opening Djoko Murjanto as Chairman of the DPP HPJI in his speech was determined to encourage the central government, all local governments and stakeholders so that the improvement of connectivity and capacity of the trans road network that connects all provinces on the island of Sumatra can be carried out, so that the travel time of vehicles between provinces is faster and more comfortable.

To encourage that, HPJI will continue to invite all parties involved in North Sumatra and other provinces on the island of Sumatra through the presence of the DPJ HPJI in each province.

On this occasion the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPERA) M. Basoeki Hadimoeljono expressed his appreciation for the holding of this seminar, as one of the means in seeking the availability of a reliable road network in Indonesia, particularly on the island of Sumatra.

The seminar was to jointly encourage the central government to immediately realize the increased connectivity of the trans Sumatra road network, namely between the eastern, middle and western cross roads. So that all regions in Sumatra Island will be connected smoothly and nothing will be isolated. The impact of the economy of the surrounding community will increase. Because the existence of infrastructure is vital in increasing the competitiveness of national products through efficient access from production sites to markets and to consumers.

Sumatra Island is one of the largest islands in Indonesia with the second largest population after Java. The national road network as one of the main infrastructures on the island of Sumatra plays an important role in connecting national and regional-scale activity centers, with outlets and strategic areas. As forming the structure of space and serving the movement of goods and services, roads must have a good and reliable level of service.

There are 3 (three) existing arterial roads that run from North to South Sumatra Island, namely, the East Cross, the Central Cross and the West Cross. Eastern Cross is the most developed backbone corridor with the highest traffic. The three crossings connect 8 of a total of 9 National Activity Centers (PKN) on the island of Sumatra. (ariefbm)