Peer Reviewer Process Jurnal Jalan Jembatan

The peer review process is a crucial step in maintaining the quality and credibility of the Jurnal Jalan Jembatan. Every manuscript submitted to the editorial team undergoes a rigorous peer review process to ensure it meets the required scientific standards.

  1. Manuscript Submission
    Authors submit their manuscripts through the journal management system. The editorial team checks the completeness of the submission, including its compliance with the prescribed writing guidelines.

  2. Initial Editorial Review
    Once the manuscript is deemed complete, the editorial team conducts an initial review to assess the relevance of the manuscript to the scope of the journal. Manuscripts that do not align with the journal's focus and scope will be rejected at this stage.

  3. Assignment of Peer Reviewers
    Manuscripts that pass the initial review are forwarded to peer reviewers who have expertise in the relevant field. Reviewers are selected by the editorial team based on their competency in the subject matter addressed in the manuscript.

  4. Peer Review Process
    Peer reviewers assess the manuscript by considering various aspects, such as the originality of the research, methodology, data analysis, and its contribution to the scientific community. The review is conducted anonymously (blind review) to ensure objectivity.

  5. Reviewer Recommendations
    After completing the review, the peer reviewers provide recommendations to the editorial team, which may include acceptance of the manuscript without revision, acceptance with revisions, or rejection. Authors are notified of the decision and are given feedback provided by the reviewers.

  6. Manuscript Revision
    If the manuscript requires revisions, the authors are required to make improvements based on the suggestions and critiques from the peer reviewers. The revised manuscript must be resubmitted within the timeframe specified by the editorial team.

  7. Final Decision
    After the revisions are submitted, the editorial team makes the final decision based on the reviewers' final assessments. Manuscripts deemed suitable will be published in the Jurnal Jalan Jembatan.

This peer review process aims to ensure that every article published in the Jurnal Jalan Jembatan is of high quality and makes a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the field of road and bridge engineering.