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Pencarian SpesifikComputer Software
Laboratory Density Measurements of Bituminous Mixes by Gamma-Ray Probe
TRR No. 1353 Materials and Construction, pp. 1-8
. It \kiis found thett the prccision and uccuracv of gaugc-determined densities varied with the types of miz tcsted. Better precision and accuracv were achicved tiith specirne;is that loud murc unifcirm density distrihutiun va ithin tile nutss and with specimen" that were less porous. Recommendations concerning, tile Use 01 gillunlil-laV probes fctr laboratorv dcnsirv mensuremcnt, u( hitumim;us ltaving_ mixtures are made. An illustratiun shuw in~1 the ahilitv of the twinprobe gauge m determive the density profile of a tall s fecimm is presented.