Detail Cantuman
Pencarian SpesifikComputer Software
Comparison of Computer Predictions and Field Data for Dynamic Analysis of Falling Weight Deflectometer Data
Trr No. 1293 Pavement Design, Management, And Performance, pp. 61-71
The asphaltic concrete surface layer was represented as a three-parameter viscoelastic medium. The base course, subgrade layers, and bedrock layers, if any, were treated as damped elastic ,olids. These physical properties were backcalculated b_v matchin-, approximately the frequency-analyzed field data with computed vulues by varying the SC'ALPO"C input data set. Good ugrecnicnt hetweenexperimcntal and computer-predicted responses was Wtained using the backcalculated pavement layer propertic,. Onr site with near-surface bedrock was analyzed and good agreement was obtained.